Il Guardiano



Velvety and harmonious, its intense aromas are reminiscent of berries.

The composition of Groppello, Marzemino, Barbera and Sangiovese grapes, with an accurate vinification method, allow to concentrate and bring out the characte¬ristics of this wine at the most. The wine has a lively pur¬ple colour, good velvet and harmonic texture with intense scents that remind of wild berries.

Agricoltura Ragionata®

It's our philosophy.
A method passed down for generations.

Il Guardiano

Denomination of origin

Benaco Bresciano Rosso I.G.T.

Grape variety

Marzemino, Groppello, Sangiovese, Barbera

Service temperature

16-18° C


Grape de-stalking with minimum pressing, maceration at a controlled temperature, alcoholic fermentation via selected yeasts, complete malo-lactic fermentation.

Organoleptic analysis

Violet colour, intense scents remind of wild fruit, to the mouth it reveals good structure on a velvety and harmonious base.

Produced in Italy
Il Guardiano
Il Guardiano


Accompanies first courses based on ragù, not too elaborate red meats, cured meats and hard cheeses.
Excellent with grilled meat and baked tench.

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